
Preterm birth

A birth that takes place too early, before the 37th week of pregnancy.
  • Treatable by a medical professional
  • Critical: needs emergency care
Often, the exact cause of a preterm birth isn't clear. Many things can raise the risk though. These include being pregnant with more than one baby, or having had a previous preterm birth. Long-term health problems such as diabetes also can raise the risk. Unhealthy choices such as smoking cigarettes or using illegal drugs can be risk factors too.
Common: More than 200,000 US cases per year
Consult a doctor for medical advice Sources: Mayo Clinic and others. Learn more
Mar 22, 2024 · 概述. 早产是指婴儿出生过早,即分娩发生在孕37 周之前。典型妊娠持续约40 周。 早产儿通常会有严重的健康问题,尤其是出生过早的婴儿。
早产 from zh.wikipedia.org
早产(preterm birth、premature birth),主要是指胎儿在早于37周之前分娩的过程,其婴儿被称为早产儿(preemies, premmies)。早产的症状包含每次子宫收缩间隔少于10 ...
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May 11, 2023 · 要确定早产的原因和机理需要进行更多研究。早产的原因包括多胎妊娠、感染以及诸如糖尿病和高血压等慢性病;但经常找不到原因。也可能有遗传影响。
选择矫正年龄为1岁的1 257名儿童为研究对象。根据其出生时胎龄分为4组:早期早产儿(胎龄28~33+6周)、晚期早产儿(胎龄34~36+6周)、早期足月儿(胎龄37~38+6周)及完全足 ...